CareChooser | Local Private Home Carers

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Home Care - What Should I Consider? Part 2

We published a short guide to what to consider if you're thinking about home care which can be viewed here:  Home Care - What should I consider?  We're following it up with a look into the possible answers to the questions. 

Other Episodes:

What type of support do I need? What do I need help with in order to support my loved one? 

Think about yourself. Think about what support you need in order to better support your loved one. Would that be the practical tasks and errands like shopping? A regular visit to ensure peace of mind? 

What type of medical or health condition do they have?

Many people that require support have a health condition. We've produced short videos and a quick guide on some of the conditions here. If you suspect that you're loved one may be living with or developing a condition, we can support you and listen to your concerns. Visiting a GP may help to confirm a diagnosis. 

What types of things can they remain independent with and do by themselves?

We like to be very positive in our approach. Whilst thinking about what you and your loved one may need support with may be helpful. It may also be helpful to think about what you would like or are able to continue doing and what your loved one is able to do independently.

Often the things people need support with first are tasks that require extra flexibility or accuracy; daily living activities such as chopping when preparing food, brushing hair or getting dressed. 

What types of things will they need support with? Emotional support, physical support, what other tasks might they need help with? 

Our team and our carers can offer a good level of emotional support for you or for your loved one; someone to talk to, someone who will just LISTEN. Companionship and a consistent friendly face to check in with regularly or a companion to support independent living and a continuation of much loved activities and hobbies!

Physical support could include helping to get out of bed in the morning. Support with mobility and moving around inside the house or getting around the local community. Many of our experienced carers have qualifications and experience using equipment such as hoists. 

Will they need some level of personal care? 

Personal care could include support to get dressed in the morning, personal grooming tasks such as brushing of hair, washing or support with toileting. Personal care support may be required infrequently, a few hours each morning, a few times a day or more regular support. 

How much care will my loved one need? Think about how long each task would take.

How long would it take to do the housekeeping chores? Think about the areas that need attention and the size of the property. (Our carers may take a fraction longer to ensure that tasks are not rushed or of poor quality and to ensure there is a bit of time for a chat!) 

How much will the care cost? What is my budget? Will I qualify for a direct payment?

Live in care costs £787 per week which is the total cost including our fee. Hourly care is £16.97 per hour. 

You can receive direct payments to help pay for the cost of care if you have less than £23,250 in savings. For home care this amount does not include the value of your property. If your loved one is going into a care home this amount includes the value of your property.

To arrange a needs assessment and a financial assessment you must contact your local authority, let us know if you need help with that. 

Are there specific things that they may need in a carer? Are there necessary qualifications, certificates or training that need to be considered to meet the need? What skills will the carer need? What would make a good match? 

Consider the sex of the carer. Skills such as driving and cooking. Any matching interests or hobbies? 

Will we need to prepare our loved one for the care in any way? 

It's can help with the success of the care if you're loved one is prepared. Involve them in family decisions and talk to them in advance of the care starting. Invite them to be involved in the process of choosing the correct carer. Think about any adaptations that may need to be made for example adding a key lock for entry, preparing a spare room for a live in care to make them feel welcome. 

If you need any help answering any of the questions, we are more than happy to offer help and support in any way we can, we can also visit to carry out a consultation to listen to your ideas, concerns and expectations. Give our team a call on 0208 886 0686. 

My Support Network is how we support you. We're here to support you, we're always at the end of the phone (if we don't answer immediately it's because we're helping another client) or we can make a short trip to visit you in person. 

Call us on 0208 886 0686

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