
Let's Defeat Elderly Loneliness

Hi, I'm Christopher the founder of CareChooser. We match carers to clients needing care in their home. I’m also a Dementia Friend and a Dementia Friends Champion. Recently I shared an article from Good Housekeeping magazine on research done by the University of California proving sadly that loneliness plays a large role in the decline of the elderly.

So I thought I'd spend a few minutes thinking about ideas about how to defeat loneliness.

1. Invite some one around for tea or go to theirs…

2. If you fancy volunteering there is a great organisation called Contact the Elderly. You can volunteer to have tea with the elderly. I think I'd be pretty good at that!

3. A smile always always goes a long way and helps to defeat loneliness.

4. Keep in touch via the telephone.

5. Get the person a diary and start to fill in some events or calls on different days.

6. Number 6 is interesting, how about signing up to Borrow My Doggy or in my case, Borrow My Chicken.

If anyone else has any ideas about how we can defeat loneliness, post some ideas below.

All the best, Christopher